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Rhiannon Wynn Jenkins

Rhiannon has taught in the Welsh medium sector for more than 36 years. She has worked throughout Wales as an independent trainer and consultant. Since 2010, she has been “the external subject expert for Welsh first language at Key Stages 2, 3, 4 and 5” for the Welsh Government. Rhiannon has held positions as a deputy head, advisory teacher (Welsh and English) and a university lecturer in all aspects of literacy.

Within the Welsh Government, Rhiannon was a key player in the Welsh medium provision of the Pisa Intervention Project that disseminated quality teaching practice across Wales. She was also instrumental in developing the elements and aspects of the Literacy and Numeracy Framework in Welsh.

Rhiannon also commissions and monitors Welsh medium resources for schools for the Welsh Government. In addition, Rhiannon is an independent External Mentor for Newly Qualified Teachers (primary and secondary) and is a consultant for NACE (National Association for Able Children in Education) working in the Welsh medium sector.

Throughout her years as a trainer, with expertise in reading, writing and thinking skills, Rhiannon has prided herself not only in the theory of the subjects, but has the ability to work within a classroom situation showing teachers and support staff how to implement the most recent and relevant practices.