Mark began his career as a secondary school physics and electronics teacher at a traditional comprehensive school in Wales before moving to a more challenging school. From here, he moved to a similarly challenging school as Head of Physics, and after three successful years, was promoted to Head of Science. During his eight years as head of department, he successfully managed and developed a team of people to create a department that was not only the best performing core subject in the local authority, but also the most forward thinking. Mark has recently had further promotion, to a larger school and department, where he is Leader of Learning for Science. He was involved in the pilot project for moderating teacher assessment in Science at KS3, and is currently a national moderator for the Key Stages 2 and 3 cluster group teacher assessment project. Mark was also instrumental in the development of the DfES publication Higher-order scientific enquiry skills. He is a recognised successful trainer, working with the National Science Learning Centre in developing and delivering courses for aspiring Heads of Science and Heads of Science departments.
More recently, Mark has worked for QCA, reviewing the new KS4 science courses. He is an examiner for AQA and a Lead Verifier for the Level 2 BTEC Applied Science course. Mark is currently working with the DfES, Welsh Government and Tinopolis, developing and trialling commissioned online materials to support teachers in delivering skills through science.