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Bridget Smith

Bridget is an independent education consultant for languages, curriculum, assessment and qualifications. She was for 13 years, the subject expert for modern foreign languages (MFL) for the Welsh Government (and formerly ACCAC) as well as a consultant for other projects. She taught in the secondary sector for 11 years and was head of department in a large comprehensive. She then worked on an assessment project for languages managed by the University of London before becoming subject officer for languages with a major awarding organisation. She was responsible for a range of qualifications including A level and GCSE. She also has primary languages teaching experience.

As subject expert for MFL in Wales, Bridget produced many major instrumental documents to help develop learners' language skills in Key stage 3, Key Stage 4 and post 16. She was also involved with the Key Stage 2 MFL pilot and produced transition guidance for MFL. The National Curriculum for MFL, 2008, was written by her with groups of teachers and consulted upon nationally. She developed subsequent guidance documents, MFL: Curriculum Guidance for KS3, the non-statutory framework and guidance for Key Stage 2, and Supporting Triple Literacy for Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3. Bridget also led on the associated assessment arrangements for MFL, including the KS3 external moderation.

Bridget has extensive knowledge of the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification, the 14-19 curriculum in Wales and the requirements of a wide range of qualifications, including vocational provision. Bridget has also worked with a range of primary, secondary and special schools on language projects, the development programme for thinking and assessment for learning and has produced resources and delivered training for language teachers to support the LNF. Recently she has undertaken a number of projects for Qualifications Wales, accrediting the reformed GCSEs, A and AS levels in MFL, acting as an expert for the reform of the Skills Challenge Certificate and she is part of the expert group convened to align qualifications with the new curriculum. She is also the subject expert for international languages for Qualifications Wales.

Bridget has expertise in ESOL including developing qualifications and resources and delivering training.